Here is the Loin in all her glory. See that big fat cap? I need to get rid of that. You don't want lots of fat in your jerky.
All trimmed up and stack. Ready for the cure.
The Salt and cure #1 are added together and applied to every nook and cranny.
All cured and rinsed off.
The loin was cut into 1/4 inch slices then sliced in half.
Place Jerky in container and let sit for about 48 hours.
The picture to the right is after 48 hours.
I placed the Jerky on my special jerky trivet.
I cold smoked my jerky for 22 hours using the A-MAZE-N smoking product. Note: the reason I can cold smoke is because I used Cure # 1. Don't cold smoke if you do not use this cure.
Drying the jerky in my propane smoker using a hot plate and some small fans.
The jerky came out great. If you like a lot of spice this definitely falls into this category. If you like less spice use less pepper and increase sugar. I might have to tweak the rub a bit to bring out more of a pastrami taste. Overall I am very satisfied with my experiment.
Note: Started out with 5520 grams and after trimming and cure ended up with 3742 grams and after drying exactly 2600 grams.
Note: Started out with 5520 grams and after trimming and cure ended up with 3742 grams and after drying exactly 2600 grams.