Petto d'anatra avec Abricot
I am addicted to Duck and especially when it's cured!!! I have created several posts on various cured duck creations and it's not going to stop. This is my new creation. The above title is french for Smoked Duck Breast with Apricot. I got the idea to use Apricots from a co-worker hence the additional name DeHaan.
This adorable picture in the upper left corner of your screen (not) is none other than the Duck Muscovy. I love Muscovy Duck Breasts. They are wonderful for this application. A Muscovy Duck Breast has about 18% fat, the Pekin duck breast has about 29% and the Moulard is a cross between the Muscovy and the Pekin.

Thinking outside the box I decided to soaked the Duck Breast in Apricot Brandy for 24 hours. This should really impart an Apricot flavor.

A straight forward recipe. Weigh out the ingredients and set aside.
I combined the Salt and cure and rubbed into every nook and cranny. I thank combined the rest and applied them on both sides. Vacuumed sealed curing.
I am using the equilibrium salt cure technique instead of the excess salt cure version. Using this technique avoids over salting. Equilibrium curing is the Sous-Vide of curing. With a 12 day cure I am confident the cure will reach the center of the Duck Breast.
After the curing process of about 12 days I am going to use Transglutaminase Activa RM to bind the meat together. I want the Duck to look more like a cylinder and to hold its shape when rolled. the Activa when applied to the Duck will allow it to become one solid muscle.
Transglutaminase, also called meat glue, is an enzyme that can be used to bind proteins to make uniform portions of fish filet, tenderloins, etc. that cook evenly, look good and reduce waste. Transglutaminase can also be used for creative applications in modernist cuisine such as making shrimp noodles, binding chicken skin to scallops or even making checkerboards with different types of fish. How can you do such a thing? Simply apply some transglutaminase on each side of the protein to bind, press the sides together and let it rest refrigerated for a few hours.
After 10 days the duck is cured to my liking. The breast will be rinsed and covered with Activa RM and rolled tightly.
All Rolled up. It will need a 24 hour rest for the Activa RM to bond the proteins together.
The Activa worked. One solid muscle.

Apricot Brandy and Apricot preserves mixed together and slathered on for the smoking.
I will cold smoke them for 2-3 hours than hot smoke until 145 degrees is reached internally.

Gratuitous pictures showing my work of art.The extra pictures are of my Duckstrami and Rebbes Ham.
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