Rotolo d'anatra, Petto d'anatra affimicata
Yup, that's what I am making!! I've been criticized in the past for posting pictures of what we eat but that's not gonna stop me!! Most people don't know what their food looks like or where it comes from. So with my blogs I am hoping to share a little bit of insight and hopefully know how. I am not on a crusade or anything but I think we should respect the process. Oh by the way these Muscovy Duck Breasts were free range and organically raised. Now on to the fancy title. The title is just a fancy way of saying Roll of duck, Smoked duck breast. You have to admit the the title is awesome in another language.

If you love Smoked Salami you will love Smoked Duck. I chose the Muscovy Duck species to make my Smoked Duck. My reasoning for choosing this Species of Duck was the percentage of duck fat it carries. A Muscovy duck breast has about 18% fat, the Peking duck breast has about 29% and the Moulard is a cross between the Muscovy and the Pekin.
Easy recipe to follow. Just click on recipe card and follow link to the left.
I decided to soak my Duck Breast over night in Spiced Rum (using a zip-lock bag). I used Spiced Rum in a Bacon Recipe called Rumified Bacon Bomb and it turned out great. Anyhow 24 hours later and it smelled drunk and divine.

If you notice in the picture it is a whole breast connected by skin. This will allow me to roll it into a Salami.
After the Duck Breasts have spent at least 24 hours in an inebriated state remove the breasts from the zip-lock bag and pat dry. DO NOT RINSE.

Apply the cure to meat getting it into every nook and cranny. After you have done this apply rest of ingredients and do the same thing.

If you notice in the picture it is a whole breast connected by skin. This will allow me to roll it into a Salami.
After the Duck Breasts have spent at least 24 hours in an inebriated state remove the breasts from the zip-lock bag and pat dry. DO NOT RINSE.

Apply the cure to meat getting it into every nook and cranny. After you have done this apply rest of ingredients and do the same thing.
The Duck breast needs to cure for at least a week. We are using an equilibrium curing technique so over curing is not possible.

Roll into a tight Salami using a butchers knot.!!!!
After the smoking process the protein strands will tighten and the Salami will keep its cylinder shape even after you untie it.
Place Duck breast Salami in/on your smoker (Weber Smokey Mountain 22.5). I cold smoked these breasts with an ambient temp outside of about 55 degrees. I used Apple pellets to generate the cold smoke and used this fancy gadget to do it.....A-MAZE-N-PELLET-SMOKER. I applied about 2 1/2 hours of cold smoke.
After the cold smoking process I hot smoke the breast using charcoal and apple wood. Starting at a very low temp below 200 degrees and slowing bring it up to 225, I smoked the duck breast Salami until an internal temp of 145 degrees was reached.
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